?Today we packed a truck with help, which is going to our boys in the hottest and most dangerous places.??
?Through verified familiar volunteers.
They gave the boys: ☺️Easter festive paschos, Banderiv stews??, which wonderful housewives prepared for us, fresh pies, sweets and a lot of useful food, hygiene products.
??Socks, underpants, rubber slippers, rubber boots that you and I bought together.
And also, they asked, and we found ?: wheelchairs, crutches, stretchers, medicines.
?Get to know the help you entrust to us from all over the world in a photo.
?May everything come happily to those who are now fighting for our lives and restful nights.
God, protect everyone! ??May everyone happily return home alive and as healthy as possible.
☺️And now, let this help be a little joy and comfort for them in those terrible days ??


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