Незмінно окрім допомоги потребуючим, ми приймаємо у фонді наших захисників
And, of course, we give them goodies and necessary things, like our own children. So that they don't waste money on such trifles.
And you can already trace the trend: the words and mood are combative, elevated.
Але очі… очі кричать про біль, жаль за побратимами.
So I want to hug each of them, to say such deep words of support.
That even though we are here at home in relative safety, our heart is with you near ♥️.
Not an hour goes by without us thinking about you, about the war! How hard, scary, cruel you are! We know…
Ми не забули. І ніколи не забудемо.
We also put on a smile, speak uplifting words, joke, live. But, our eyes... Full of pity and pain.
We report in a week:
– На схід військовослужбовцям відправили 30 л різних напоїв, 240 банок енергетика.
– У прикордонні війська передали захисникам – продукти, енергетик, сухий душ, засоби від комарів .
– м. Сіверськ Донецької області –
24.5 kg of products, 10 kg of canned goods in metal cans, 45 liters of drinks, 240 energy cans.
– м.Бахмут –
energy, mosquito repellent, hygiene products, dry shower
– Запорізький напрямок –
17.2 kg of products, 63 liters of drinks.
– Рівненський напрямок –
products, canned goods, drinks, energy products.
We often receive requests to send by mail, since they rarely send home (
Thank you Nova Poshta Humanitarian for fast delivery even to the most difficult places. But for covering the cost of delivery.
It is very urgent for the military to counterattack!!!
The last month of summer has begun.
Volunteer charity festival "Glory of the ZSU"
A good opportunity to have a good time and help our soldiers!