Центр взаємодопомоги та розвитку
Місце, куди людина у кризовій ситуації зможе звернутись та отримати безкоштовну різносторонню допомогу.
за 10 років допомогти мінімум 50 000 особам.
- Help people cope with difficult life circumstances
- Work comprehensively to solve problems
- Educate a "healthy" future generation by showing children from socially vulnerable families
opportunities to "get out of poverty" - Change "consumption" to "mutual aid"
- Educate the right Christian and family values
- Promote the volunteer movement
- Unite and involve the community to help others
- Give new knowledge, the opportunity to develop and change consciousness
The idea is based on the Foundation's successful activities, experience and understanding in the social sphere. For many years, a small Assistance Center (Warehouse) from Anna-Maria Charitable Foundationwhere thousands of people have already received help. However, the capabilities of the existing Center are very limited.
The opening of the new center is a large-scale expansion and improvement of opportunities for comprehensive work and qualitative changes.
To implement the project, the Lviv City Council leased premises with an area of 325 square meters. for 10 years.
It is now more important than ever to open a Center for Socially Vulnerable Families, as deinstitutionalization reform is now in full swing.
The statistics are shocking: only 9% children in boarding schools are orphans, the remaining 91% are from dysfunctional families and have parents and guardians.
For the best possible result of family reunification it is necessary to support crisis families, to help them to stand on feet!
And our charitable foundation sets itself such tasks!
How to join:
1. Financial assistance
2. Purchase of necessary materials or payment for services
3. Assistance with physical labor
4. Dissemination of information and involvement of others in project support
5. Assistance with the organization of social entrepreneurship
6. Placing "Banks of good" (boxes for collecting money) in your store / cafe / enterprise
7. Carrying out of the Charitable training / marathon / auction / sale / action (all withdrawn funds will be used to support the project)
8. Provision of a gift certificate / goods / services that will be used for the good deeds of the Foundation (Charitable drawing in the group,
gift for wards, awarding the most active volunteers, etc.)
9. Payment of rent and utilities for the current Fund (according to receipts)
10. Providing fuel cards as a gift for trips to institutions and visits to families
!!! If you are a business manager, offer certain services or goods - we invite you to become a SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTNER Foundation and do good deeds together.
WRITE YOUR NAME IN HISTORY! The names of sponsors, benefactors and volunteers will be written in the "BOOK OF KINDNESS" and displayed on a large "WALL OF KINDNESS" in the new Center.
- Why do we need another help center if there are already similar ones in Lviv?
The uniqueness of the SC is in its comprehensive approach to solving the problems of those in need. And the help provided by the Center is a unification of community efforts and involvement of people in helping their neighbors. Even if we open 20 more such centers, they will not cover the needs of people...
- Who does the Center help?
Low-income, large and single-parent families; families in crisis (85% of children in orphanages have living parents); families with children with disabilities and serious illnesses; orphanage residents and graduates; lonely old people; and psychoneurological dispensaries.
- Maybe we just need to give people money and buy them everything they need?
You can distribute money, but it will not change the situation of the person in need. The money invested in the project, multiplied by the activities of the center, will bring 10 times more benefit to a person than just giving him or her 44 hryvnias.
- Why are you doing this?
The foundation was created by a young couple, Khrystyna and Yurii Hupalo, in memory of their first daughter, Anna Maria. The little girl lived only 12 days, but managed to change her parents' lives, and now she is changing the lives of thousands of people.
- What is your benefit?
Opportunity to realize your vocation in life and transform the great pain of loss into saving others.
- What funds will be used to maintain and operate the center?
Several areas of social entrepreneurship have been designed on the basis of the Center, which in the future should fully support the project's work and provide opportunities for development.
- Often, people get used to the help and it harms them. Have you had such cases?
Yes, unfortunately, this is a common situation. That is why we teach our clients not only to "take" but also to "give". The recipients of assistance join volunteering, help sort clothes at the Warehouse, visit children in orphanages, share their own produce (villagers). And in the New Center, even more will be able to contribute their labor, time, and skills to help others
- A young mother raises two small children herself. She has no support from her family, as she is a child from an orphanage. She is a very diligent, loving mother. But tomorrow her children may be removed from the family, as there is a real threat to their lives. The walls of the old mud hut are falling apart. The family may be left homeless. And worst of all, the children may be separated from their mother, and she knows very well what it is like to be brought up in an orphanage without the love of her family...
- В хорошій середньостатистичній сім’ї, яка планує своє майбутнє, будує будинок, облаштовує господарство – раптово стається велике горе – помирає мама. Чоловік залишається сам з трьома дітьми. Він має проблеми зі здоров’ям і потребує операції. Працювати активно не може, бо хворіє та має 3 маленьких діток, які потребують догляду. Не завершене будівництво починає руйнуватися, потрібно ще багато праці та коштів, щоб облаштувати затишок для діток…
- Чудова християнська сім’я, в якій виховується 9 діток. Звісно, хтось може осудити… Живуть в дуже скромних умовах. Але, у великій батьківській любові та турботі, чого часто так бракує багатьом сім’ям, навіть з 1 дитиною. В цій сім’ї немає дорогих гаджетів, іграшок, статків, але є дружба і підтримка. Та усі дітки потребують розваг та всестороннього розвитку. А дозвілля цієї сім’ї, часто, обмежується походом на дитячий майданчик. Один хлопчик дуже любить читати книжки, а особливо, великі цікаві енциклопедії про тварин, а вони ж то не дешеві. Дівчатка люблять одягати красиві сукні і гарні прикраси на волосся. А наймолодший, просив у Миколая пряники в шоколаді і 0,5 кг желейних цукерок. А як же всі люблять відвідувати дитячі заходи, ляльковий театр, цікаві майстер-класи…
By joining forces, we have been able to support these families and hundreds of others.
And we strive to do it even more, even better! We already have experience, we know how to do it! But we really need better opportunities!
Help us help others!