A center for helping people in need operates in Lviv. Those interested are asked to bring things and food

3May 1, 2017, 10:08 am 

In Lviv, in the premises of the Central Shopping Center on the street The warehouse of the charity organization "Anna-Maria Christian Help Center" is located at 106 Knyagini Olga Street. All needy people can get help here: clothes, shoes and other things.

The organization helps families with many children, low-income families, orphanages, regional homes for old women and more! Anyone who finds himself in a difficult situation can come to the warehouse and get help.


The world is not without good people, or the story is good, as in a fairy tale!

Let's congratulate the ward of our Anna-Maria Charitable Foundation Maria Rakus and her 9 daughters with such a wonderful event!

Dobrodiy gave this large family a big house, because they were all huddled in one room!

A year ago, no one knew much about this family. They turned to our fund to help them with clothes. But we immediately realized that the needs of this family are much greater. So they thought about how to help them, because the fund's capabilities were limited. But God knows how to deal with such issues ?

We met then with a good volunteer Natalia Wowk, who was very interested in the history of the family, visited, wrote a story about them and coordinated further assistance for them. And so life changed a little. Other organizations learned about the family, other volunteers, and the media. The family was not afraid to tell their story about their needs. And this information reached the right MAN. God does the impossible! And makes them with people's hands! Although we are not directly related to the great gift - home and we are happy to be a little involved in such a good change!

Don't be afraid to talk about your needs! And remember that great miracles come from small steps! Even your little help can change people's lives!

Back on September 22, 2017, in a post about this family, I wrote “so far the biggest problem in housing. But with the help of other organizations and good people - I believe that the family will get help in this matter "- and how not to believe that God hears our requests ???

author Christina Gupalo


Мене звати Соломійка і у мене сьогодні день народження – 5 рочків  (я наймолодша у сім’ї) – привітайте мене, я впевнена, що Бог почує усі теплі слова і зішле на нашу сім’ї багато щастя і радості!

На фото мої найрідніші люди: старший братик, дві сестрички і найкращий Татусь…але усім нам бракує її..МАМИ.. Бог забрав її до себе..

Not long ago, we were full of happinessивою сім’єю, але біда одною не ходить (перед похороном мами згоріла стайня, дідусь після інсульту, бабуся, яка кожного дня забирає нас із школи з сусіднього села має проблеми із тиском) та найбільше потрібна підтримка найдорожчому – ТАТОВІ …він дуже старається, щоб ми мали усе необхідне, але зараз потребує операційного втручання на дві легені…

Faith, Hope, Love together with our friends!

“Some special day today…

Friends - volunteers You are incredible !!!

After all, you know how to give a piece of your heart, give sincere smiles and hugs despite the pain in the soul… ((

The holiday, which was presented to special people today, has made our souls richer…

Thank you to everyone who joined this trip, may the Lord give a hundredfold!

We also invite you to join our friendly team on future trips.

Believe me, it's cool to serve!

Being the cause of someone's smile is priceless !!!
Nadyusha Levitska

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