WHITE Dental Group

WHITE Dental Group

WHITE Dental Group

WHITE's mission is to motivate dentists to change by providing them with the world's best products, training and communication in the professional community.

“Thank you for the financial support of the“ Non-Hungry Easter 2020 ак campaign in the amount of UAH 10,000 ”

NOT hungry Easter! ????

If only I could convey to you all the gratitude of the people to whom you and I gave NOT HUNGRY EASTER!

By joining forces, we raised funds, bought products, packed beautiful packages, and delivered them to everyone's homes all over Lviv and even abroad. A dozen packages were sent to the villages of Lviv region.

A few written words, but in fact it is a colossal work done, so many people are involved in this good cause.

Do you know how it all started? That's how we are Yura Gupalo on Palm Sunday they thought about how many people are currently suffering from hardship, lost their jobs, money and will not even be able to buy that butter, cheese for the holiday basket. I had a desire to give delicious joy to fifty families / individuals. But I myself understood how unlikely it is, because we only had 3 days. But God heard good intentions ?

Do you know how many beautiful Easter packages you managed to organize ??? 57 got a real tasty holiday joy !!! families in crisis and lonely old people. And the funds remain, so we will definitely continue such food aid.

Sincere thanks to all who joined financially !!!

Many thanks WHITE Dental Group for so much help 10 thousand UAH !!!

Thank you very much Anna Gera and her friends, who handed over Easter cakes, butter, potatoes and money.

To all the volunteers who helped. And especially to our heroes Taras Zvarych and Vasily Roywho purchased, packaged and together with Ruslan Zubik delivered.

Christian Blessing Community Volunteer Headquarters for help and cooperation.

This is a great union, for good! More than fifty families had reason to rejoice and thank God for their requests.

We continue to help. Help - with you! We continue to ask for active support: financial, food, physical and prayer.

Christ is Risen! People are happy!

I am very happy at the thought of these people who had a non-hungry Easter and will have more food for a couple of weeks. And you? Shall we continue? ?


As already written, during the epidemic we joined Christian Blessing Community Volunteer Headquarters. One of the first challenges of the pandemic was the need for protection.

We managed to react very quickly, and in just 2-3 days to organize a whole VOLUNTEER SEWING DEPARTMENT for sewing masks ?.

We gathered a team of dressmakers who volunteered for their work and talent to serve others for free.

Bedding, men's shirts and other items that could be remade to sew masks were sorted out at the Foundation's Warehouse.

Many more fabrics were collected

We managed to agree with the company, which donated 1365 m !!! erasers for a good cause. Oh .. at this time to get an eraser - was a real quest ?

A few points, but in fact - a colossal job. The coordination of this department actually gave me a very cool experience. After masks - to organize food kits or other work - it's a trifle ? The first days were a 15-hour work (register routes, bring there, pick up there, give instructions, a great lack of materials, the same was shared at a minimum and delivered constantly). It is good that Mariana Pih helped with technical issues of tailoring. Galya Dumanska - with data.

And I certainly wouldn't have managed here without the help of the Mobile Group, which had dozens of routes all over Lviv every day and was constantly in touch with me… Ruslan Zubik Taras Zvarych - thanks!

But in a few days - the process was perfectly optimized and adjusted. And do you know what the results are ???

‼ ️‼ ️??SEWN 1664 masks !!!! FREE! All materials were organized for as little as UAH 0!

Here is the power of unity!

Now you can discuss a lot about the feasibility of using masks, and in the beginning, when they were in short supply, in pharmacies cost 19 UAH and it was difficult to get, this activity was extremely relevant.

Masks are actively distributed to people along with food kits, many were handed over to doctors who applied without any means of protection at the beginning, children in hospitals, the military, priests and people in need.

We still have a lot of ready-made masks - so who needs it - contact us!

Sincere thanks to all the tailors, volunteer couriers, all those who donated the fabric and those involved in the process !!!

Ps no child was injured ? The first photo is a picture that perfectly conveys the process of work of seamstresses and mine ?, because in quarantine it is not easy to work with children nearby

- with Galya Dumanska and 14 others.
