We need advice!

We want to organize for the summer for children from socially vulnerable families useful and powerful training, trainings and something like that.
That regardless of the social status of their family, children like others have access and opportunities for quality and practical knowledge!
Among the ideas we want are:
?Financial Literacy Training - we are looking for contacts of a professional coach who has experience working with children, possibly in the form of a game Cash flow, etc.
?Basics of healthy eating - an interesting cognitive lecture with elements of the game - also maybe someone will advise someone who could conduct.
We also ask you to advise some more interesting topics, trainings that would be suitable for teenagers !!!
? Let's go together Let's fill with ideas how interesting and useful to spend the summer for teenagers who are brought up in families with difficult life circumstances!

REPORT! Action Shoe a Child from a Needy Family.

Let's hurry to report:
Back in December, we managed to buy warm winter boots for girls and guys.
And now we were able to buy sneakers for older children.
After all, we have enough things for the little ones. But older children are often deprived!
We sincerely thank you to each of you who joins! Thanks to your support, we were able to entertain a few children who, because of the problems of their family, oh how not sweet. But the children are not to blame!?
Charity event #VzuyDitinu continues on an ongoing basis! We will buy shoes as much as possible (if there are funds) and as needed for the season.
You can support children on our site with the help button:
And let your children and family never know the need?