Those who find it difficult in this life come to us…

Although we have been writing the most about training lately, it seems like we have changed the direction of help.
But no. This is just a new direction of our activity - one of.
In fact, we are constantly visited every week by those who have a hard time in this life - needy people: single old women, single mothers with children, low-income, families with disabilities of parents or children, or a serious illness.
Here, recently came a woman with 6 children, who gathered her strength and left the man who drank and beat her. I went to the village to live with the children. 4 children are still young, they need care, so he can't work, he tries to run the farm in spite of everything, but he still can't dress / shoe the children completely (
Also, we had a couple of old women: 80-year-old grandparents who asked for food and slippers after hospital treatment because it was cold at home.
Everyone who comes with their story. Sometimes it is easy to solve (but there are people who need to be taught, because no one has told them how to do it right, how it should be. They live and do not see a way out of the crisis), more often a difficult problem.
And I thank everyone who comes to our warehouse and brings things, products, funds.
Without you, we would not be able to help in such volumes.
Every month we help more than 100 people within the warehouse, which is about 800-1000 kg of things every month !!!
Let me remind you that we still have a warehouse in the new Central Department Store, because the new Center for Assistance and Development still needs to complete repairs and equipment, and there are not enough funds yet (
We will be grateful for your support and help.

We are creating a community of ANNE-MARIA'S FRIENDS

We have had this idea for a long time, which could unite people on such a stable basis.
We are creating a community of ANNE-MARIA'S FRIENDS ❤️ and we are planning many interesting joint projects.
If you feel the desire to help and support those who lack it, but do not know how, we invite you to friendship!
Here is the opportunity: You are helping the Fund to function, and we are helping people in crisis on a permanent and stable basis.
ANNI-MARIA'S FRIENDS is a community of caring people who support the work of our Charitable Foundation with monthly contributions, and therefore thousands of people who turn to us for help. Every monthly payment for any amount does a great job: this is another training for the development of needy people, a day of work in the warehouse (by the way, do you know that our warehouse employs women from foster families?), Payment 1 the day of the lease of the Warehouse or utilities.
In short: monthly expenses for the Warehouse's activity are more than UAH 20,000 (rent, salaries, taxes), and now also + expenses for the maintenance of the new Center (only heating in winter is about UAH 10,000…)
But there are hundreds of dressed, warm shoes, fed people every month, even with new knowledge and opportunities.
Such banal and boring needs that few people "subscribe" to. However, unfortunately, we cannot function without them.
By the way, I have been a volunteer at the Foundation for 5 years, not officially employed. But, such is the inspired idea of the unit.
And each of you can be a part of our idea.
It is enough to connect a regular monthly payment for any possible amount (100, 200, 500, 1000 .. UAH). No need to worry about how to do it in your bank, do dozens of transactions!
We tried and on our site it is easy to do! Just click on this link, specify the amount of the Charitable Contribution Monthly, and then these cards (these are secure transactions through the liqpay system:
And the monthly amount will be automatically transferred to the Fund's account.
Let me remind you that we do not help people financially, namely we provide tools so that they can overcome crisis situations themselves.
Creating good is so easy! Everyday life shows us examples of how a large number of people with small contributions can help and support families who do not know another way of life, who are in crisis situations, who do not know how to solve problems.
Our programs are not funded from the city budget, so we operate at the expense of your charitable income.
Join the Friends of Anna Maria!
How do you like this idea? Who are our friends ?
And if not a secret, what is the monthly fee for you?
Who signed up for a regular payment - write so we can check if the system works well

Happy September 1!

Thanks to your help and support, trust and kindness, these children were able to go to school with the necessary accessories, with brand new backpacks!
This year we decided to combine the schoolgirl holiday for a needy child with the opening of our Help Center!
On this day, we presented the children with your packages!