It was a whole Lithuanian mission to help Ukraine.
And one of the points of their help was our Anna Maria Charitable Foundation.
These brave guys personally delivered help! They also returned from Lviv to the sound of air-raid sirens.
We feel your support! Thank you for your active position!
We believe that victory is with us!
And when this war is over, we are waiting for you to visit!
So let's talk calmly, we will treat you to Ukrainian dumplings, borscht and we will celebrate the victory of good and Ukraine together!
And now, thank you very much! And we continue our mission in this war. Our soldiers are on the front line, and we are here, on our front, helping people in need.
This is a difficult issue of supporting Ukraine at the political level. But we say “THANK YOU” from ourselves and from thousands of people supported by our Foundation.

To all volunteers, philanthropists from other countries for the support of our people, and especially today we thank @mantauskass @Mindaugas Samas
@matas_puo @jarutislaurynas
@Skirmantas Malinauskas
And thank you @vasylriy for coordinating.
A little late, but we report on the work of the center for yesterday

The girls from Lewandowski Market handed over 5 bags of dried apples to the boys
Sasha received gloves, first aid kits and diapers from the volunteer
Our regular volunteer gave us diapers, baby bottle sets, baby food
Received food and gave it to the needy

Drying and beets were given to the boys in the volunteer center at the Church of the Ascension
And, of course, our visitors received the necessary things - look more in the story

Many thanks to all the volunteers, especially those who bring help regularly

Our Help Center now operates as a large coordination center:
1) More than 50-100 people (forcibly displaced persons from Kharkiv, Luhansk, Mariupol, Kyiv and other cities), as well as local needy people apply for help every day
✔ On average, we provide assistance to 300-500 people / week
2) We help the points of temporary accommodation of migrants
✔ Approximately, loading of 5 cars with the help/per week
3) We load buses with help to Kyiv, Fastiv, Zhytomyr, Cherkasy and others every day
✔ 8-15 trucks / week
1) Assistance to the military, terrorist defense and the population at the forefront.
3 beads have been packed in a week. We cooperate with the Christian Volunteer Headquarters and the NGO "Blessing". The guys take aid by bus to Fastiv and Kyiv, where they coordinate, distribute and transport.
2) We help the Centers for Displaced Persons in Lviv and the region. We help to cover various needs en masse, we ship aid by buses, we load, we send packed cars with the help
3) We have a lot of inquiries and appeals from individuals, families who came to Lviv without anything. In fact, what scary stories are… God forbid we don't go through this personally
4) And how many more of our members who need help… How difficult it was, and now even worse
But still - a priority for long-distance sending to the guys.
We accept large trucks with help, unload as needed whole beads. We help with various inquiries here on the spot.
Every day we have 20-30 volunteers at the Center and everyone has a job.
We have a bank of things (quite a wide range), we have organized large deliveries and distribution of ready meals (we send to boys, we distribute at points for migrants, we take to the station)…
In addition to this humanitarian mission, Yura and I coordinate dozens of other tasks. Phones are hot from constant calls, they don't have time to charge. I couldn't even imagine that I would have to cooperate with a lot of volunteers around the world, organize purchases, study the specifics of bulletproof vests and other equipment, and coordinate international procurement…
We are raising funds together with the Headquarters. More than a dozen armor and helmets were purchased this week. Those who are in the subject understand how extremely complicated this process is and how many tens of dollars it takes. I will write at once, because there are a lot of requests, we can't help provide armor and equipment, because there are only a few of them. Those we buy are already distributed in advance. But we can unite in joint purchases, if there are funds and there is no place to buy. This is now a mega scarce commodity!
Then I will immediately issue invoices for help:
1) a variety of acute needs for assistance:
CARD to the official account of PRIVATBANK:
5169 3305 1908 8956
Purpose: charitable contribution
2) priority for the purchase of equipment for the military: "PRIVATBANK"
IBAN account: UA513052990000026005031018649
Recipient code: 41024159
Recipient: Anna-Maria Charitable Foundation
Be sure to indicate the PURPOSE: Charitable contribution to help during the war
There are also foreign currency accounts in dollars and euros.
And there are urgent needs that can be bought now only for cash! So who can buy what you need, or leave the money for cash to the girls on the spot - very welcome
VERY GREAT NEED and many requests:
- blankets, rugs, pillows, sleeping bags, mattresses, mats
- bed linen, towels
- hygiene, adult diapers
- baby food, diapers
- food is different
- disposable tableware
- thermal underwear, underwear
- Men's clothes
We do not currently accept children's and women's clothing.
Хотіли зробити вихідний, але доведеться почекати 🙂 Довелось розгрузити два буса та два легкових автомобілі, відправити бус на Київ і бус у Савутич!!! А ще допомогли підібрати усе необхідне декілька сім’ям, які гостро потребували допомоги. Бо ж війна!!!