What was yesterday…

They were lying on the floor, stopping the blood, fixing it, rescuing it…
Thank God, it was training in home care in combat! Strong, professional, 7-hour training. And we never imagined that 40 people could be accommodated in our training hall

Thank you
Olena Bakhovska and the Guardianship of the Future Charitable Foundation for assistance in the organization. And cool coaches - specialists @
This is now very "on time".
Many ask if we will organize more. I don't know, right now, because the coaches are very involved. But it was organized in 2 days, maybe it will be possible this week.
Who wants to write in the comments. That all comers gathered here and it was easy to inform
Ми з вами творимо справжню казку

Та діти все своє життя пам‘ятатимуть ці емоції.
Це подарує їм віру! Віру в чудо, що все можливо

І ми віримо, що в майбутньому житті це точно їм допомже

Ось так друга команда волонтерів разом з
Maria Vus and
Tupychak Love зі справжнім Миколаєм поїхали до дітей на села!
Це треба було бачити: ці сяючі, захоплені очі дітлахів

, які отримували яскраві, красиві подарунки від справжнього Миколая!
До сліз
Хотіли додати декілька фото, та це не можливо вибрати, хочеться показати кожного, хто отримував в руки пакунок від Миколая: раділи від найменших до найстарших!
Дякуємо кожному!
Без вас нам би не вдалось цього всього в таких масштабах!
Також деяким сім’ям ми відправили подарунки поштою, бо вони проживають далеко, фізично доставити було важко (додамо згодом фото)
We work in the strengthened active mode.
We kindly ask those who took letters from children to Nicholas to bring them to us in the coming days! And also, we will gladly accept everything we can pack for other children (because we have thousands of them in the database) for gifts (stationery, sweets, accessories, toys…)
!! I really need at least 100 packets of tangerines - for December 17.
And there is a free letter.
products (we have a refrigerator, freezer, food jar); hygiene products, household chemicals; bed linen, towels; shoes in good condition; clothes in good condition, intact, clean; small appliances:! very necessary working mobile phones microwave ..
Warehouse at V. Velyky: Tuesday, Thursday 11-17
New Central Department Store, service entrance (where keys are made), warehouse №34
Center on Levandivka Street Slastiona, 2 (extension) reception hours: Wednesday 14-16 h, Tuesday, Thursday - to be clarified.
!!! And at your request, at a convenient "non-working" time: Friday and Sunday 17-19 - Levandivka.
We usually work much longer, like today until 8 p.m. Therefore, you can specify: 098 915 914 0
For people without vaccination and test availability - contactless transmission "at the door"
Image from the resource Human Vectors by Vecteezy
Volunteers are the driving force that unites us and encourages us to reach out and join the common cause.
and let's be honest, volunteers in recent years are a very important part of society and so many different initiatives are based on them. Thank you to each volunteer and volunteer!
We are proud of everyone who is willing to spend their time, resources, energy and energy for the idea

We have so many ideas and plans. We are ready to continue working and sometimes we are powerless when we face the lack of funding.
And we really dream that at least 2 of our volunteers will become official employees of the new Center, and will be able to help people even more on a stable basis, rather than being torn between work, family and charity.
Women - have an infinite resource. But often, due to its excessive use, happiness is lost somewhere!
Let's talk about balance and happiness!
Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Lviv Polytechnic National University!

Anyone can attend online training!
* Subject to pre-registration.
Participation is free for people from wards and needy families.
For all others - the cost of training: a voluntary charitable donation.

To attend the event - you must pre-register here:
We will send a link to join all registered participants.
The event will be held on the ZOOM platform