Як воно, озираючись назад, зрозуміти, що твоє життя вже минуло?.. А ти залишився сам, нікому не потрібен. Мабуть страшно…
Ці зморщені чАсом, часто безпорадні – як діти, чекають якогось дива, вражень! Але щодня вони бачать сірі стіни лікарні, пісні страви?
We urge you not to be indifferent to the problems that surround us.
Do not close your eyes to this, especially to the problems of the elderly living in boarding houses, geriatric centers.
Ці люди колись були чиїмись батьками, вчителями, людьми благородних професій, а зараз вони забуті світом, забуті своїми близькими. Давайте, віддамо їм нашу пошану!
Do not be afraid! Forward to action!
We are studying the nuances of working with orphans to be effective!
A friend for an orphan is one of the most effective ways to help!
Thank you NGO Care in Action for an extremely interesting and useful training!
This year's charity holiday A gift for a schoolboy for needy children was held in a completely different format: dancing, games, outdoor fun!
These were extraordinary emotions in children, for most of whom such entertainment is rare.
The holiday began traditionally Holy Liturgy in Church of the Ascension of the Lord of the UGCC, Lviv, Levandivka , then we moved to the square in front of the new future Charitable Center #Social Chamber , where the children were waiting for a sweet snack with a variety of cookies from TM Good evening and Milan . These manufacturers are once again treating our children with delicacies. Try it yourself, because the sweets are very tasty, mmm.
Then there were dances, entertainment, games from the cool guys of the host Yurik Popiv and DJ Andrew, who helped with the musical and entertainment accompaniment of our charity holiday! Real pros, with special equipment, program and good mood.
Also on this day we handed over 5 computers for the 5 most needy families with childrenwho sent us videos about themselves.
In the end, we handed the children the necessary school supplies, which we all, together with you and your help, prepared to gather the children for school!
With such a team of volunteers, philanthropists and just good people, it is easy to implement the idea of a large Social Chamber Help Center for Lviv and the region, where we can change difficult destinies, help overcome the crisis and change lives!
We also add photo report of the charity event Gift for a schoolboy for children from needy families.

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