HELLO Circus!

There is a category of children for whom the usual entertainment is something unusual and elusive! These are children from socially vulnerable families!
For our children wards thanks to our cooperation with Medical Corps Lviv Region and leadership Lviv Circus we were able to organize a trip to the Circus!

These big eyes, full of impressions and amazement from the children; these sincere emotions and applause of admiration!
It is worth all our efforts!
Thank you all for your support !!!

"We can't add days to life, but we can add life to days"

"We can't add days to life, but we can add life to days" With this slogan, the volunteers of Anna-Maria Charitable Foundation visited on May 10 hospice in the village. Olesko, Buz district.

We, united in a single team, with open hearts, sincere smiles, fruits, sweets, supported together with philanthropists needy lonely old women.

It is important to pay attention and care, because by showing our good attitude to others, we help to create an atmosphere of friendliness around us.

Life in the hospice continues, although patients are in hospital, but they want to know what is happening in the country, give their assessment of events, remember the past, because for them a big event - the arrival of volunteers.

On the eve of the holiday, mothers in Olesk remembered with sadness even those closest to them who protected them from worries and anxieties, because everyone had a childhood, and my mother's golden hands are remembered even by my grandmother.

We pass from the old women from the hospice a huge THANK YOU to all who joined this trip: some with their time, some with work, some with money, products and things.

We are grateful to the employees VetAgro , joined by individual food packages and hygiene products for the elderly.

We also express our gratitude Svetlana Lokotkova and her team Sontselevs are volunteer children in schools and kindergartens in Lviv , which involved Lviv educational institutions in collecting things.
In fact, educational institutions are very helpful, and we are happy that we have such a healthy future growing up and growing up!
We thank each institution separately, because a lot of them joined - watch the posts in the group!
Only together can we do great good deeds!

Special thanks to the staff who work hard every day.

I want to believe that the volunteer movement in Ukraine will prosper thanks to active people.
Join us in a team and make the world more humane together.
#BF_Anni_Maria_humbers' homes

?On a wonderful holiday with children from the "Native Home"

?On a wonderful holiday - April 7, we visited the children from Native House of S. Kornalovichi, with whom we have long been friends and they have been waiting for us ???

This time there were a lot of people willing to go and it was a record number of guests from our side - more than 50 people! And we all managed to make a huge holiday together.

We were joined by children from Madlena dance family with parents and their tireless leader Julia Krasnokutskaya, who staged a real show with several numbers and organized a spaflax flash mob ????????

Anya Kashchin with the help of other volunteers organized a wonderful pirate for the children ⚓️⚓️ a quest that ended with breaking a pinata with candy treasures.

Guys and girls played football, even chose the best player ⚽️ and a football player ?

Maria Hornyak-Lukyanova held a master class on making Easter cards??. And here both children and adults were forced to work ?

After a visit to the house Aliona Krohmalna agreed to visit us with the former pupils of this house, who did not wait for our visit and returned home last week. We were very happy to visit Olenka, Marusichka, Sofiyka and Yura, as well as to meet their relatives. To our surprise we were met by another former pupil of the house - Ostap, who turned out to be their neighbor)) the children gave us a tour of the village and we will definitely come again.

As always, our trip was primarily sponsored by good weather ? and a huge number of philanthropists and volunteers. We are very grateful to all of you!

In particular:

Madeleine Dance School for a huge number of products, stationery and other necessities

Vitaliy Tsymbal for a wonderful ball, which was immediately used for its intended purpose.

Zoryana Ruda-Yavorska for the ball and toys

ORNATO for dresses

To philanthropists for violins, which were finally delivered to the destination))) And to all who joined this good cause and whom I could not add here !!!

Author: Olena Hashchuk

ZIK TV channel

We are proud of our volunteers. Nadyusha Levitska is a person with a big heart, a pure soul and good intentions! She is a savior for the hopeless! Her act is incredibly great and admirable at the same time!
May God protect you and your family from all evil and send only good on your way!
