Мене звати Соломійка і у мене сьогодні день народження – 5 рочків 
(я наймолодша у сім’ї) – привітайте мене
, я впевнена, що Бог почує усі теплі слова і зішле на нашу сім’ї багато щастя і радості!
На фото мої найрідніші люди: старший братик, дві сестрички і найкращий Татусь…але усім нам бракує її..МАМИ.. Бог забрав її до себе..
Not long ago, we were full of happinessивою сім’єю, але біда одною не ходить (перед похороном мами згоріла стайня, дідусь після інсульту, бабуся, яка кожного дня забирає нас із школи з сусіднього села має проблеми із тиском) та найбільше потрібна підтримка найдорожчому – ТАТОВІ …він дуже старається, щоб ми мали усе необхідне, але зараз потребує операційного втручання на дві легені…
“Some special day today…
Friends - volunteers You are incredible !!!
After all, you know how to give a piece of your heart, give sincere smiles and hugs despite the pain in the soul… ((
The holiday, which was presented to special people today, has made our souls richer…
Thank you to everyone who joined this trip, may the Lord give a hundredfold!
We also invite you to join our friendly team on future trips.
Believe me, it's cool to serve!
Being the cause of someone's smile is priceless !!!”
– Nadyusha Levitska
The morning seemed cloudy and rainy ?️ and everything looked as if the picnic would be difficult. But we believed that a good deed would definitely work out in the best way. And already in the village. Kornalovichi we were greeted by the sun ?.
It is impossible to convey with what warmth діти the children greeted us. I visited the orphanage for the first time and did not know for sure how I would react and how everything would go. But the children were so outspoken that all my fears were immediately dispelled. For the first time I saw that vegetables, meat and even onions were cut with such zeal !!! It was just incredible. The children went ahead with all the tasks ??.
One of the students of the institution even dreams of becoming a chef. Natalia Stepanenko immediately noticed his ability to do so. In the process, the children told their stories and the elders shared who they wanted to be. Anja Konstantynova Behey made friends with a pupil of the institution, who really wants to become a hairdresser and soon the time will come when you have to choose the direction of movement. There were guys who want to do sports and girls who dance very well ?.
In general, there were a lot of smiles and hugs, kisses and nonsense ?.
We returned exhausted, happy and sad. Because there was a lot of pain and sorrow behind these happy faces. It is difficult to remain indifferent after hearing their stories. And to the question "how long have you lived here" - hear the answer: "always lived here."
? Thank you to all the volunteers who joined this trip. Special thanks to:
TM Good evening and Milan for sweets.
Tatiana Bilyk for homemade bagels.
Maria Zabolotska for pastries.
Olga Govor with her husband for sausages
A volunteer who decided to stay incognito for vegetables and fruits.
Nadezhda Boyar for vegetables.
and everyone else who sponsored our trip !!!
And, Olena Hashchuk, for a great organization!
They say that other people's children do not happen!
? "I'm happy, it was my dream!" - These are the words of the girl from holy_for_schoolgirl , who was presented with a pencil case with sequins!
And such sincere emotions of admiration and curiosity were on the faces of each of the children today! And all thanks to you!
What beautiful colored "backpacks" for juniors, and restrained and stylish for seniors, we were able to give to children! ?How grateful were the parents who a few days ago were puzzled - with what their children will go to school, because under the care of the Foundation there are families with 6, 9 and even 12 children !!!
??Anu, who in the photo recognizes their gifts?! ?️???️?️?
?The holiday began with the Holy Liturgy in the church, then the children were able to have a snack of cookies, which once again kindly gives us TM Good evening and Milan
?Children had the opportunity to visit the new modern "Center of Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky", to hear the instructions of Father Volodymyr and his Blessing, to see opportunities for development, received an incentive to study, to be able to then study in the best universities!
???And after giving presents to the school, everyone took the train with great interest Lviv Children's Railway in Stryj Park, we thank her Directorate for tickets.
?Well, of course, our wonderful team of volunteers? who organized / agreed / thought out / managed / learned all this - thank you very much everyone !!!
?And what beautiful photos the photographers took Solomiya Adamiv and Tanya Strizhyk
P.s. How do you like our volunteer T-shirts with the logo ?!
A young mother raises two small children herself. Підтримки від рідних не має, оскільки, сама є вихованкою дитячого будинку. Дуже старанна, любляча мати. Але, уже завтра її діточок можуть вилучити з сім’ї, оскільки є реальна загроза для їх життя. Стіни старенької глиняної хатинки, яка ще й пережила пожежу розвалюються. Сім’я може залишитися без житла. А найгірше, дітей можуть відділити від мами, а вона то добре знає, що таке виховуватись в дитячому будинку, без любові рідних…