
дітки в потребі

Допомога ДІТЯМ в потребі!

Увага усім вам – найдобрішим людям, з якими ми творили чи ще створимо неймовірну кількість добра🥰 Маємо знову важливу справу – допомога...

Help Saint Nicholas

This year we plan to prepare gifts for 500 children! ✔️ Children from needy families ✔️ Children from socially vulnerable IDP families ✔️ Children from...
нація нескорених

Help for children

Even in times of war, united, we will be able to collect all the necessary things for our children who need support and help. We announce the collection...
Миколай для потребуючих діток

Mykolay, thanks to your support!!!

For almost 2 weeks, the generous Nicholas delighted the children. For us, this is a real miracle, which was achieved thanks to joint efforts...


Socially vulnerable children need help - they need to be "collected" to...
взуй дитину


The charity campaign from the "Anna-Maria" Charitable Foundation #VzuyDitynu continues on a permanent basis! We will buy shoes whenever possible...