Kornalovichi. Orphanage "Native Home"

?‍♂️?‍♀️Дітки нас напевно вже зачекались:)
After the summer vacation in orphanages, we can start traveling again!
After all, they need attention, friends and mentors from adulthood! And can we share a piece of goodness and love together?, which is so lacking in orphanages?

?Плануємо 8.09.2018р поїздку в Корналовичі – в Дитячий будинок «Рідний дім», в якому проживає 37 діток.

?Хочемо провести час весело і з користю для вихованців: будемо робити пікнік на природі щоб кожен зміг приймати участь у процесі: збирати дрова і розпалювати багаття, нарізати продукти і робити різні страви, а потім все разом прибрати. Вчимо самостійності і обов”язків?

But as usual, we can't manage without you, because we need to buy everything for the picnic:
м”ясо для шашлика або ж сосиски, овочі, фрукти. Також дуже потрібна випічка та інші смаколики.

?It would be good to have one car for the trip.
Trip coordinator Olena Hashchuk


A gift for a schoolboy

??A gift for a schoolboy?
?We are asking for help in getting needy children to school!?
After all, it is not cheap to buy everything necessary for 1-2 children today?, and if there are 5 or more in the family? kids…
We have the needs of each family and a specific child in that family.
?You can choose a child with his needs from the list and buy the necessary clothes for him.

?The list is here?:

Many families who, for one reason or another, are temporarily in difficult life circumstances are under the care of our Foundation.
We try to help overcome some difficulties, solve some problems, get on the way to a better life! But sometimes there are situations in which we can only help financially - these include single mothers with many children without husbands, families with disabilities, etc.
But thanks to such kind and open-hearted people, the children will be provided with everything they need!
?You can bring anything from the list, we will distribute it among everyone: notebooks, pens, colored paper, pencils will always be relevant.
??Backpacks, pencil cases may be used, but in good condition! ??
We want to give your children your gifts on September 1-2, so we plan to make a small celebration - sweets, fruits from you will also be appropriate!???
?Things can be brought to 25.08 to the Fund's Help Center:

The warehouse is located at the address: Lviv, st. Book Olga, 106 (entrance from V. Velyky St.), New Central Shopping Center, service entrance (where keys are repaired).
You need to be informed about the visit in advance by calling
098 915 914 0 ?
098 26 49 983 - Ms. Maria.

?If you do not have a way to bring it to the warehouse yourself - write your district - we have many volunteers in Lviv, maybe someone lives near you?
?Everything that we cannot collect, we will buy ourselves, so we need financial support???

