Leshkivtsi. Holy beauties


About campaign

Already this Saturday, March 2, we are going to the pupils in the Leshkiv psychoneurological boarding school, where the girls are waiting for us - the guests! They, like every girl, dream of being beautiful and bright! And we want to please them with such trifles! We bring them cosmetics ?, jewelry ? and other trifles ??! Since the pupils of the institution are special girls and women, most of them rejoice like small children, we can only imagine what a flurry of emotions will overwhelm them !!!

ЗВІТ про поїздку

Для поїздки дуже потрібні мякі солодощі:
-м’ягкі цукерки
-м’ягке печиво
- bananas
Координатор поїздки Надюша Левицька, ідея з косметикою – Nataliya Stepanenko

ЗВІТ про поїздку

Допомога ДІТЯМ в потребі!

Допомога ДІТЯМ в потребі!

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Турбота про захисників

Caring for the defenders

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