Charitable contribution. "Package of love"

пакунок любові

About campaign

We will help families in crisis and lonely elderly people to feel prosperity in the holidays.
We will tell you about another interesting good action that we are organizing now.
We will help families in crisis and lonely elderly people to feel prosperity in the holidays.
?Choose a card, form a package and give it to us, and we will give it to those who need it.
✴️ We encourage you to join such a good initiative
    • schools
    • kindergartens
    • temples
    • shops
    • firms
    • various organizations

and organize a gathering on site.


We can place such a stand for you - a banner with cards and joint efforts to help people in need.

We do good together!
☑️Also, you can give certificates for purchases in Auchan, Silpo, Watsons, Eva and more.
And who is more convenient, you can just donate money:
CARD to the official account of PRIVATBANK:
5169 3305 1908 8956

Допомога ДІТЯМ в потребі!

Допомога ДІТЯМ в потребі!

Зібрати дітей до школи дорого🧐 Особливо відчутно, якщо в сімʼї 3 дітей чи більше. Особливо, якщо мама переїхала через...
