Join the #Generous Tuesday2020 Good Initiative

щедрий вівторок

About campaign

 Let's unite and show the power of systemic and mass good! To the World Good Day "Generous Tuesday", which falls on December 1, 2020. we want to pay attention to the most needy families in crisis, so with the help of caring people / organizations - we form a consumer basket for a needy family.

How you can help:

  1. Organize fundraising in your organization to support the campaign and other good causes of the Foundation. Boxes - "Banky Dobra" and all supporting documents provided by the Foundation.
  2. Transfer funds to the Fund's account (follow the link with the Help button) or to the details of the "Anna-Maria" BF 5169 3305 1908 895
  3. Collect and bring necessary things for socially vulnerable people:
    •  hygiene products (shampoo, soap, toothpastes/brushes);
    • household chemicals (washing powder, detergents);
    • food products (oil, sugar, canned food, pasta, cereals)
    • socks, slippers, underwear.

We sincerely hope that this autumn the whole city will hear us and those in need in difficult life circumstances of Lviv and the region will receive such necessary things and food!

There are no other people's children! It's true, in every school/yard you can see a child from a low-income/large family who is underprivileged?! :(

We offer to jointly become a Friend to support persons/parents/families who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Допомога ДІТЯМ в потребі!

Допомога ДІТЯМ в потребі!

Зібрати дітей до школи дорого🧐 Особливо відчутно, якщо в сімʼї 3 дітей чи більше. Особливо, якщо мама переїхала через...
