
взуй дитину

About campaign

Charitable action from the Charitable Foundation "Anna-Maria" #VzuyDitinu continues on a regular basis! We will buy shoes as much as possible (if there are funds) and as needed for the season. We must understand that there are families where a pair of shoes is a great joy!

We, parents, often approach the choice of clothes and shoes for our children carefully: we choose the best for our daughters and sons!

Unfortunately, not everyone can prepare like that! There are families where a whole pair of shoes - for joy!

Unfortunately, not everyone can prepare like that! There are families where a whole pair of shoes - for joy! And the jacket goes from brother / sister for 5 seasons, not infrequently with holes and stains!

There are such children in almost every classroom, in every yard, you just have to look around.

Although… most of the time we prefer not to notice it! It is not uncommon to look with condemnation at a family that cannot provide for its children! But situations are different!

Some of the current ones:

  • Бабуся опікується 2 внучками (батьків позбавили прав), одна з дівчаток має проблеми з серцем. Практично усі кошти витрачає на обстеження, часткове лікування, про операцію взагалі боїться думати 🙁
  • Single father of 4 children, has serious health problems, because of which he can not work hard, and does not lay hands, tries, but very hard.
  • Another single father of 4 children, whose wife died just a few months ago.
  • And how many single mothers (whether widowed or single) have 2, 4 or even 6 children. Children are not always healthy. They work hard, spin, but still do not have enough money for basic necessities.

Like last year, we announce COLLECTION of warm winter shoes and clothes for children.

As you know, good people often bring us clothes and shoes to the warehouse, but most often they are children's things for kids. We always have a few things for older children, because there are many more requests.

Now we need:

  • Winter shoes for boys and girls 35-44 years
  • Winter jackets for girls and boys from 7 years
  • Socks
  • Warm sweaters for boys and girls from 7 years
  • Tracksuits for girls and boys
  • Pants for ages 10 and up

Things can be brought to the Warehouse, which is located at: Lviv, st. Book Olga, 106 (arrival from V. Velykoho Street), New Central Department Store, office entrance (where the keys are repaired). You should be warned about the visit in advance by calling 0989159140 If you can't bring it, write to the district, maybe one of the volunteers also lives there and could pass it on!

? It is possible to support the Fund's activities financially: Key-card of the official account of the Fund: 5169 3305 1908 8956

!!! REPORT !!!

Charity event #VzuyDitinu will continue on an ongoing basis!

We will buy shoes as much as possible (if there are funds) and as needed for the season.

Допомога ДІТЯМ в потребі!

Допомога ДІТЯМ в потребі!

Зібрати дітей до школи дорого🧐 Особливо відчутно, якщо в сімʼї 3 дітей чи більше. Особливо, якщо мама переїхала через...
