
German Food Bridge

Help from the German Food Bridge

Help that unites 🤍Fruitful and much-needed help from the German Food Bridge once again came in handy for people suffering from war. We are extremely grateful...

We report on shipments to the military

Emotional swings are a common thing in our times of war. Now, unfortunately, they are at the bottom because of news, change and obscurity. And it all came down to...
Допомога ЗСУ

We have fresh photos from our cats

Thanks to your support and donations, we have such valuable things that we can issue to our soldiers Warm thermal insoles, sleeping bags, cots,...

Початок року із добрих справ

2024 рік у нас почався із плідної співпраці з Українська Федерація Банків Продовольства Спільний проект, що несе неймовірну користь та є чудовою...