Anna Maria Charitable Foundation

Help with us!

To people in difficult life circumstances

To temporary accommodation points for internally displaced persons

As humanitarian aid in the war zone.

To defenders currently serving in the war zone.

To the wounded in hospitals, as well as the families of fallen heroes

During wartime

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the foundation has been operating as a large coordination center, sending humanitarian aid to the conflict zone, assisting displaced persons, and supporting the military.


Our mission is to provide comprehensive support and developmental perspective to socially vulnerable families, aiming to navigate through crisis situations, preserve children within families, and improve the quality of life for future generation.


Our foundation has been actively operating since 2016. We have substantial experience working with families facing challenging life circumstances. This experience enables us to adapt successfully to new conditions and provide assistance effectively!


Service is providing help to those in need. The foundation brings together volunteers and philanthropists from around the world who are ready to assist Ukraine in achieving victory. restore a happy civil society, and even change the world.

Let's unite to win!


Over the past week, 180 people applied to the Fund.

Щодня, крім вихідних, незмінно продовжуємо працювати. За минулий тиждень 180 осіб звернулося у Фонд. Вони вибрали 344 кг одягу, 112.2 кг продуктів, 47 шт.засобів гігієни, 4.4 кг дитячого харчування, 13 уп.підгузників, 4 пляшечки та 5 коробок із гуманітарною допомогою. У безкоштовне користування...
Fundacja Lapigua - Lapigua Foundation

We would like to thank Fundacja Lapigua

Останнім часом (якщо чесно, то вже навіть досить велику кількість часу) чуємо, що кількість допомоги з-за кордону значно зменшилась. Та і ми відчуваємо це, особливо в порівнянні з першим роком повномасштабної. Тому ми цінуємо людей та організації, які не втомлюються розповідати про нас, про нашу...

As many as 576 received help!!! persons

Минулий тиждень працівники та волонтери Фонду добряче попрацювали! Допомогу отримали аж 576!!! осіб. Ми завершили видавати всі 150 продуктових наборів , 336 пляшок води та 60 кг печива від Українська Федерація Банків Продовольства . Також завдяки @German Food Bridge та нашим друзям з Польщі ті...

Every day, dozens of people personally come seeking assistance, forced to leave their homes without essential items for safety (displaced persons from Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kyiv, and other regions), as well as local individuals in need:

✔ On average, we provide assistance to 400-500 people a week

Assisting temporary accommodation points for internally displaced persons:

✔ 5 cars are loaded with the help of a week

Every day, we send essential humanitarian aid that volunteers transport to the war zone for our defenders.

✔ 8-15 trucks per week.

Shipments for military personnel to the war zone (2022-2023).

The number of individuals who received humanitarian aid in (2022-2023)

Distributed meals to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and those in need in (2022-2023)

The number of individuals who received food packages in (2022-2023)

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