Thank you "Taste of Life" online store

“Смак Життя”… Смак життя, напевно, найбільше відчувають наші захисники. Вони можуть по-справжньому оцінити кожну хвилину життя. Дякуємо Вам, наші захисники, що бережете наше життя! Дякуємо Інтернет-магазин “Смак Життя” за корисну їжу, суперфуди, чаї, солодощі, горіхи, які зможуть зробити життя наших захисників хоча б на трішечки солодшим!!!

Help from the German Food Bridge

Допомога що єднає🤍Плідна та така необхідна допомога від German Food Bridge вкотре стала у нагоді людям, що страждають від війни. Ми безмежно вдячні цьому донору за стабільну підтримку добрих справ фонду. Безліч смаколиків, напоїв, таких необхідних продуктів, які нам передають, уже знають, смакуюють в різних куточках України. Ось які чудові пакуночки ми змогли спакувати і передати для сімей, які звертались у наш Фонд. Ми щиро дякуємо German Food Bridge за чудову співпрацю та спільну допомогу потребуючим🙏❤️

We visited the Boryslav boarding school of the Harmony Training and Rehabilitation Center ?

Saturday, January 26, we visited Boryslav Boarding School Harmony Training and Rehabilitation Center where there are 71 pupils. Unfortunately, we were only able to see 21 of them. But the atmosphere of the institution and the sincere emotions of the children left a big mark in our hearts.

It is difficult to say how much heat ? and kindness to the pupils of this institution, despite the difficulties that befell them.

A student of the institution, Dmitry, he is also the president (they even have the post of Minister of International Relations), etc.gave us a tour to see how the children are studying and how their lives are built here.

I will not tell the details, but I will share what impressed me the most, and that is HELP.

I have seen how effortlessly, easily and without requests children who can move on their own (I will not say that they always do it easily) helped those in wheelchairs to get out of the dining room; as they were supported, climbing the stairs pulling up on the railings, as Dmitry carried walkers and prams of children from the first to the second floor….

Thank you to all the volunteers who joined the trip and who, due to various circumstances, were unable to do so.

Thank you to everyone who sponsored our trip and gifts to children and the institution.

Thanks to Vladimir and Taras for the cars and fast delivery to the destination.

And also thank you to the girls, Lili Lili Hair and Christina Yarema for your work and great haircuts))

Author and organizer of the trip: Olena Hashchuk

What we have to tell you!

It's just incredible! Our volunteer from the Foundation Natalia Karalash visited The first international fair of grants in the field of culture. We learned where to find funding for ideas from both Ukrainian and foreign donors, and told us about the nuances and mechanisms of obtaining funds. Can you imagine our Foundation among 300 participants from all over Ukraine (and 1200 applications were submitted !!!).

Donor, grant application, guideline, communication strategy… Words that were actively heard at the fair. Oh, we still have so much to learn. But we have a goal, a noble goal, we have inspiration for study and work and we have our wonderful volunteers who are ready to work and develop the activities of the Foundation!
Charitable Foundation "Anna Maria" with Christina Gupalo plans to hold cultural and educational activities for orphans, children from low-income and large families and for other wards of the #social_chamber Center.

As you know, such a large-scale work and study requires a lot of money. The search for funding brought us to Kyiv, where a large-scale Grants Fair was held on July 2, presenting 14 major grant programs from the EU, America and Ukraine: Creative Europe, Goethe Institute in Ukraine, French Institute, US Embassy in Ukraine, Visegrad Foundation, Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, Ukrainian Institute and others.

It was an interesting experience, a lot of useful information and ideas. Therefore, we are glad to invite you to the team of volunteers to put these ideas into practice!
