Helping orphans or entertaining the ego: gifts for boarding school students
From On the other side of the news·Monday, December 9, 2019
Why you should not give children from boarding schools expensive gifts and how to help children who are deprived of parental care
Remember, a few weeks ago we disassembled an online scam with New Year's gifts for children? Among other things, we wrote: if you want to help children, there are dozens of other ways. For example, give something to a child in a boarding school. There was a discussion around this advice and we decided to "dig" deeper.
We talked about gifts for boarding school students before the holidays with the communicator of the charity Hope and housing for children Daria Bayrak, who explained that she had not yet started working on the topic of orphanhood, also thought that gifts for children in boarding schools were good. In fact, not quite.
Daria talks about how the boarding school system in Ukraine is organized in general (and we give our own remarks on the text).
A few numbers
So, there are no orphans in boarding schools more than 8%. And over 92% are children, who have parents. There are many reasons why children end up in boarding schools, but the most common is poverty or family unrest.
That is, the vast majority of children have parents. And a child is better with his parents than in a "full" boarding school.
Source: Ukrainian Week, material by Hanna Chabarai “Boarding schools without orphans”