
Як воно, озираючись назад, зрозуміти, що твоє життя вже минуло?.. А ти залишився сам, нікому не потрібен. Мабуть страшно…

Ці зморщені чАсом, часто безпорадні – як діти, чекають якогось дива, вражень! Але щодня вони бачать сірі стіни лікарні, пісні страви?

 We urge you not to be indifferent to the problems that surround us.

Do not close your eyes to this, especially to the problems of the elderly living in boarding houses, geriatric centers.

Ці люди колись були чиїмись батьками, вчителями, людьми благородних професій, а зараз вони забуті світом, забуті своїми близькими. Давайте, віддамо їм нашу пошану!

Each person, in order to properly fulfill the purpose of his life, must fulfill a threefold duty: to God, to himself and to his fellow men.

"Every person, in order to properly fulfill the purpose of his life, must fulfill a threefold duty: to God, to himself and to his fellow men," wrote the trip's curator and our dedicated volunteer. Tupychak Love , - Human destiny кожного Everyone has their own - someone smiled more, someone avoided. Old age is as much a part of life as youth, childhood. It is inevitable. ”

Old women are our past, children are our future, so let's be merciful.


Yesterday, on Christmas Day, we visited those who are waiting for us again, because the sincere and touching smiles of the old people inspire us, give us new strength and firmness in the chosen path of selfless service, encourage us not to stop.


