International Social Forum "Deinstitutionalization: Multidisciplinary Teams"

Our volunteers Olenka Hanushchak, Christina Gupalo and Galya Dumanska visited the international social forum "Deinstitutionalization: multidisciplinary teams"

We heard the Austrian experience of such teams and in general how the work on providing social services to families with children in Austria.

?? There was a lot of information, understanding of how the system works today to work with families in difficult life circumstances. Which will allow us to better understand the needs of such families.

And it was necessary to establish useful contacts ? Therefore, we begin to embody new knowledge and awareness.

We want to thank you Lviv Educational Foundation for the excellent organization of the forum

Деінституаціалізація: мультидисциплінарні команди


З Днем св. Миколая!

З Днем св. Миколая!

Дорогі друзі! В цей особливий день, коли святий Миколай приносить добро, тепло та чудеса, ми щиро вітаємо вас! 🤍...
