We report for the summer in numbers!

I know that it is not very timely?.
We continue to work despite the fact that the majority of volunteer humanitarian aid centers have already ceased their activities?!
Needy people come to us every day, mostly families of IDPs with children?‍?‍?.
We hand over the essentials to our armed forces almost every day.
We reminded the children that they have a childhood and organized a holiday for them on Children's Day?.
We are negotiating with various organizations and benefactors from other countries. We talk about the war and problems in the country. We ask for support and organize the process of receiving and transferring assistance?!
They trust us. And this merit is titanic work and an incredible number of hours of conversations, explanations, presentations, reports✍️.
But we know why we do it! While over there in the East and South our boys and girls drive out the enemy, we here in relative safety take care of them; about those who suffered, about those who were left with nothing!
And we don't abandon ours not only in words!
We continue to work!
Glory to Ukraine??!


Шукаємо поціновувачів органної музики!!!

We are looking for connoisseurs of organ music!!!

ВСІ КВИТКИ РОЗДАНІ!!! Шукаємо поціновувачів органної музики!!! 🧐 Завдяки Львівському органному залу та Мальтійській...

117 осіб минулого тижня отримали допомогу

117 people received help last week

117 осіб минулого тижня отримали допомогу у нашому Фонді. Чудово, що вони вибрали для себе та близьких 👫👭 188 кг...

Разом до перемоги

Together to victory

Цінуємо і щиро дякуємо за допомогу з-за кордону! Нам дуже важливо розуміти, що за нас памʼятають і підтримують....
