How valuable and pleasant it is when people from other countries, despite the fact that the frenzied hype and the "popularity" of helping Ukraine is already declining, they still continue to help and support?!
After all, the war continues! and for its victory, you need to continue working?!
Thank you Vykintas Genys and friends from Lithuania, who came personally, leaving behind their affairs, to meet, see, dive and understand more!
We were able to communicate together, explain and communicate our position from the inside, that we are all working as one, each in our place to win?!
We have shown our activities, people who come for help!
They showed the volumes of aid and even greater needs.
We have already done many good things together??.
Thanks to your support, we bought and distributed sweets for children.
Part of the packages for children for the schoolboy holiday were also purchased with their funds.
And they came to us at the Foundation not empty-handed. They also brought school supplies, vitamins, which are already enjoyed by many children and families.
Thank you for the help provided, for the repeated support of children from families who found themselves in difficult life circumstances during this time of war.
The whole world unites to fight against evil! We will definitely win!
?We express our confidence in the preservation of friendly relations and our further cooperation for the approach of victory in our state.
Vykintas Genys and friends from Lithuania


Шукаємо поціновувачів органної музики!!!

We are looking for connoisseurs of organ music!!!

ВСІ КВИТКИ РОЗДАНІ!!! Шукаємо поціновувачів органної музики!!! 🧐 Завдяки Львівському органному залу та Мальтійській...

117 осіб минулого тижня отримали допомогу

117 people received help last week

117 осіб минулого тижня отримали допомогу у нашому Фонді. Чудово, що вони вибрали для себе та близьких 👫👭 188 кг...

Разом до перемоги

Together to victory

Цінуємо і щиро дякуємо за допомогу з-за кордону! Нам дуже важливо розуміти, що за нас памʼятають і підтримують....
