The last working day of 2022.

The last working day of 2022. 19 families turned to us for help (2 of them for the first time). They gave out a lot of clothes, shoes, toys, diapers and blankets from BO OKTAR Lviv . They finished handing out gifts from St. Nicholas and his assistants Ukrainian Federation of Food Banks .
And, as every day, delicious lunches were distributed from Pasta Caffé .
Bread with raisins, water, fruit milk, Pepsi, Mivina, soups, energy drinks, sweets, sauces, canned food and holiday gifts for the defenders were shipped for the defenders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Donetsk direction). Many blankets and blankets were also handed over.
All visitors sincerely thanked and congratulated us on the coming New Year, wished peace and health!

