We are trusted to do good

The year is coming to an end, everyone is finishing unfinished business and looking back, summing up the year. We are happy that we were productive and useful for all our visitors✨
Our large emergency joint project with UNISEF Ukraine and NEEKA Ukraine has become a drop of hope for many needy families. Each person, each family that we were able to help became a testimony of our joint efforts and the big heart that beats in our chests❤️
We are truly grateful UNICEF Ukraine and NEEKA Ukraine for that trust and for that concern for our fund, and for the families who turn to us.
According to this project, subpriming was provided✔️
With these funds, we purchased products for the formation of 2 types of aid kits: crisis and hygiene. They contained essentials, so they really became useful for our visitors, especially during the war. The contents of the sets can be viewed in the carousel🎞️
In total, we created and distributed 650(!) sets📦
This project did not just provide help - it united us in the common goal of making this world a better place🌏
We greatly appreciate your support and believe in the power of our joint work. We hope for further joint projects and the opportunity to do even more good things together🫂
кризовий набір


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