Aid was sent to Kyiv, Zhytomyr.
Aid was transferred to one of the largest placement points
The visiting guests were received and helped in every possible way

‼️‼️We really need new contacts, new partners, helpers!!! We can help with logistics, we will provide official requests, we will report back!
5 years of activity of our "Anna-Maria" Charitable Foundation gave us very valuable experience in helping people and the ability to allocate resources wisely.

Now we are intensifying our efforts and are looking, looking!!! And we ask for your help!
Get to know, contact, refer good people, benefactors, various organizations to us. Now, more than ever, the whole world is ready to help Ukraine. But I understand that many do not know how, through whom to do it. So tell us about us!
We will be able to coordinate it wisely and do good for people! We have our own peaceful front to help people in times of war! And we serve faithfully on it, to the end, to victory! And then there will be many more years of the fund's work.

We understand that for the first 5 years, it was only as a start, as a warm-up, compared to work now!
And we can do it! Together with God! Together with you! Together with Ukraine!
Is it true???
Thank you to everyone who helps and supports us?? please continue to do so ??


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