? Received and distributed 40 lunches from @pasta_caffe, thank you very much on behalf of the visitors?
?They gave out chips, Pepsi Cola and bread with raisins, which Danylo brought along with milk late on Friday evening.
??Thank you, because there is something to amuse adults and children.
?They sent products to the boys (bread-40 pcs., chips_60 pcs., Pepsi-60 pcs., chocolate-46 pcs., cookies-2 boxes, coffee-2 packs., Mivina-72 pcs., earplugs.) They also handed over ten pairs of flip-flops, patterns and gingerbread.
?We received 36 packages of diapers of various sizes, five strollers, two large children's cots from LMR, and a box of antiseptics.
?? They received a parcel from Rome from Luka's family (some medicines, 10 kg of sugar, 10 packs of pasta, a blanket, one pack of diapers)
??And we also want to thank them for the funds for 1 of the "name" doors, for which we collected funds during the repair. The door and the sign have been there for a long time, but the family was not found on social networks, they did not know how to thank?
? Through our volunteer Natalya, some medicine, sweets and hygiene products were given to the boys


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