?Due to the circumstances and the lack of funding, we cannot help everyone who comes to us, and we continue to provide assistance to IDPs and our local needy within the limits of our capabilities.?
??In addition to summer clothes and shoes, they also gave a delicious sweet cupcake, chips and sweet water for children.
?also received 30 ready meals from @PastaCafe and gave them to our visitors
?Aid was given to the boys: canned goods, sweets, bread, Pepsi, 60 pairs of socks, wet wipes, mosquito repellent
?And through Mr. Grigoriy, they handed over sleeping mats and 20 pairs of slippers to the boys
??Help was collected for a large family in the Yavoriv region: clothes and shoes - four packages, hygiene products (shampoo, toothpaste, brushes, soap) and products (cereals, pasta, flour, sugar, cereal, bread)


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