☺️Our wards received help from us today. Through volunteers, it was handed over to a large family for ??newborn baby crib, mattress, diaper mattress, blanket, bedding, full set of baby clothes, diapers. Let him grow healthy!?
?Another young mother was given baby food, diapers and a stroller?
?????And as usual, they provided help to our visitors - clothes, shoes, hygiene products, products.
?Also, all volunteers received ready-made lunches from our sponsors.
?Special thanks to our sponsors @pasta_caffe for lunch! People really like it! Every day they come, wait, take a turn. And Pasta_caffe already has a lot of regular customers on the go! ??Thank you!
?They also loaded the car for the boys in the hottest point of our heroic resistance - Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
??But to what extent can you understand the heroism of these two fragile women, who will actually take this help there, to hell itself, to our boys??


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