Delivered to boys in Bashtanka, Kramatorsk, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhia region. 6 large boxes of Mivina, tea, lozenges, soups, sausages, bars, medicine, wet wipes, bread, crisps, biscuits, and gingerbread.

We try to give our defenders everything necessary and tasty.
We are working as usual.
During these months of hard work and help, our foundation has already had many regular clients whom we know, get to know, and know their stories. Many of them are our real friends.

But lately, a lot of people are also coming to us for the first time. People come from other areas of the city. We help everyone, within the limits of our capabilities

And, of course, ready meals from @pasta_caffe flew out instantly. Delicious as always! Thank you!

They helped a family from Vilnius - a young mother, two children, a grandmother and a great-grandmother - they received food, diapers, baby food and a baby carrier. They were satisfied and sincerely thanked for the help

Through Mr. Oleg Kindia, aid was handed over to three families of immigrants from the Luhansk region
And at the end of the working day, they drove the car to the hospital